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Used Media [ℹ]

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: High Five VHS Tape

Sale price$ 10
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: High Five (1993) is the second episode of the children's action series "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers," directed by Adrian Carr and starring Austin St. John, Thuy Trang, and Walter Jones. In this episode, Trini must overcome her fear of heights to save Billy, who is trapped on a cliff by Rita Repulsa's Putty Patrollers. Meanwhile, the Rangers face off against the monstrous Bones in a battle to protect Angel Grove.
Title: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: High Five
Year: 1993
Format: VHS
Run Time: 30 min
Rating: Not Rated
Condition: Preowned
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Sci-Fi
  • Family